Monday, March 30, 2020

Organic Chemistry Tutors Can Help You

Organic Chemistry Tutors Can Help YouIf you are a busy working adult and have never attended an online chemistry tutor, I am sure you are aware of how important this service is to busy working adults. The fact is that there are many problems with the economy at the moment and a large amount of us cannot afford to attend college or university. However, a great majority of these people still wish to continue their education.Unfortunately, many of them are finding it more difficult to find a college education or university place. This is because there are many excellent universities and colleges in the UK and it is very hard to gain admittance to a university of this caliber. The number of students who get accepted into these institutions is also very small. This means that a great deal of pressure is put on student's parents who wish to pursue their son or daughter's education.With the amount of time you must have to put into your education, it is understandable that you may simply be unable to commit to putting in that much effort and dedication into your studies. If you have a job or a family, you might even be worried about missing your weekly studies and classes. While many students are facing this problem, others have solved it.An organic chemistry tutor is someone who can help you get back on track with your studies. Their knowledge and experience in this area will help you become more motivated and also increase your understanding of it. It is always useful to use a tutor when you are trying to achieve a particular goal or to upgrade your current level of understanding.One great advantage of using a tutor is that you do not have to pay a fee upfront. A tutor should provide you with a guarantee for your work within a certain period of time. There is always the possibility that he or she may recommend you to someone else however, this is usually not a requirement. An organic chemistry tutor in Birmingham is able to provide you with answers to your questions and show you ways to study better. Your tutor will also be able to provide you with the information needed for you to be able to achieve goals. This is important for working adults, as they wish to advance in their career and therefore need to improve their knowledge and understanding of organic chemistry.You should not feel intimidated by the thought of this course if you are a busy working adult. Some students even manage to finish the course within one year! It is important that you feel comfortable talking to a tutor and also are able to see them in person.Remember that an organic chemistry tutor can provide you with the knowledge and understanding that you need in order to be able to succeed in your studies. One way that a tutor can help you is by teaching you the things that you may not be told. While some students only learn about the essentials in the classroom, the online system is much more comprehensive and a tutor is able to teach you all the areas that you may not have known about.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Saint Valentines Day, Interesting Facts for Knowledge Lovers

Saint Valentines Day, Interesting Facts for Knowledge Lovers Saint Valentines Day, observed on February 14 each year, is a fascinating festival of romantic love, when people show appreciation for their loved ones and friends. The celebration of the Feast of Saint Valentine is commonly accompanied with symbols of love, hearts, red roses, images and models of Cupid. On Valentine’s Day lovers, family members and friends exchange greeting cards, letters, flowers, chocolates and other gifts, arrange romantic meals or weekend breaks. People who have romantic feelings for somebody often use the occasion to make this known. Valentines Day is also a popular date for getting engaged and for weddings. Valentines Day is celebrated  with great fervor in many countries around the world, even though it is not a state recognized holiday and remains a working day in most of them. It  is the second most celebrated holiday around the world after New Year’s Day and the second-largest holiday for giving greeting cards, after Christmas. Traditions related with this holiday vary from country to country but everywhere the day is focused on romance, love, appreciation and friendship. However, romantic atmosphere is not the only one virtue of Saint Valentines Day. It is also featured with an interesting historical background. The origins of this joyful holiday are rather vague and gloomy. There are many theories but the most popular of them claims that Valentines Day evolved from the story of Saint Valentine, who was a Roman priest during the reign of Claudius II. Claudius prohibited marriage during wartime  because single men were better soldiers. Valentine disobeyed  the Emperor  and performed secret wedding ceremonies. For this, he was jailed and then martyred  around February 14 in the year 270 CE. According to legend, being in jail, Valentine wrote a love note to the jailors daughter with whom he had fallen in love. He signed his letter: From your Valentine. So it was St. Valentine himself who sent the first valentine. In fact, there were at least three different Saint Valentines throughout history: one was a priest, another one a bishop and one more is just known for being a martyr. The priest’s and bishop’s stories are so closely related that it is difficult to tell which St. Valentine the holiday is named after. The church used the day of St Valentine’s martyrdom to Christianize the old Roman Lupercalia, an ancient fertility festival held around the middle of February. On the eve of Lupercalia, young unmarried men draw names of young women in a lottery and they were paired off for the next year. Ancient Romans believed that birds also chose their mates on February 14th. In 496 A.D., Pope Gelasius assigned February 14 to honor St. Valentine in order to disassociate this date with the Lupercalia festival. Unlike the ancient tradition, the Christian church replaced girls’ names by saints’ names and the participant was supposed to model his life after the saint whose name he drew from the box. However, in the Middle Ages the girls’ names got back again and young people started to draw names from a bowl to see who their valentines would be. Eventually St. Valentine’s Day became associated with romance, exchanging love notes, presentation of flowers and confections. Valentine cards were always a very popular part of  the Valentines Day celebrations. Traditionally, lovers exchanged handwritten valentines. The oldest surviving valentine was written by Charles, the Duke of Orleans, who sent it on Valentines Day to his wife after being captured in 1415. In the seventeenth century a new sophisticated variant of Valentine cards True Love Knots â€" became extremely popular in the U.S. and England. These Valentines were drawn as a knot and were readable from any line and still made sense. Commercial cards appeared in the mid-19th century, when the interest in Valentines Day started to grow rapidly. Early versions of these cards were fashioned of satin and lace and ornamented with flowers, ribbons, and images of cupids or birds. Today, about 1 billion Valentine cards are exchanged in the U.S. each year. Interestingly, the most Valentines Day cards are given to teachers. Statistically,  teachers receive more Valentine cards than kids, mothers, wives, sweethearts and pets. The fact, that students use this romantic holiday as an opportunity to express their gratitude to those people who are planting the seeds of knowledge into their young minds, gives grounds for considering Saint Valentines Day also a day of a Love for Learning. So, don’t forget to send a greeting card to your favorite tutor. Happy Valentines Day! Saint Valentines Day, Interesting Facts for Knowledge Lovers Saint Valentines Day, observed on February 14 each year, is a fascinating festival of romantic love, when people show appreciation for their loved ones and friends. The celebration of the Feast of Saint Valentine is commonly accompanied with symbols of love, hearts, red roses, images and models of Cupid. On Valentine’s Day lovers, family members and friends exchange greeting cards, letters, flowers, chocolates and other gifts, arrange romantic meals or weekend breaks. People who have romantic feelings for somebody often use the occasion to make this known. Valentines Day is also a popular date for getting engaged and for weddings. Valentines Day is celebrated  with great fervor in many countries around the world, even though it is not a state recognized holiday and remains a working day in most of them. It  is the second most celebrated holiday around the world after New Year’s Day and the second-largest holiday for giving greeting cards, after Christmas. Traditions related with this holiday vary from country to country but everywhere the day is focused on romance, love, appreciation and friendship. However, romantic atmosphere is not the only one virtue of Saint Valentines Day. It is also featured with an interesting historical background. The origins of this joyful holiday are rather vague and gloomy. There are many theories but the most popular of them claims that Valentines Day evolved from the story of Saint Valentine, who was a Roman priest during the reign of Claudius II. Claudius prohibited marriage during wartime  because single men were better soldiers. Valentine disobeyed  the Emperor  and performed secret wedding ceremonies. For this, he was jailed and then martyred  around February 14 in the year 270 CE. According to legend, being in jail, Valentine wrote a love note to the jailors daughter with whom he had fallen in love. He signed his letter: From your Valentine. So it was St. Valentine himself who sent the first valentine. In fact, there were at least three different Saint Valentines throughout history: one was a priest, another one a bishop and one more is just known for being a martyr. The priest’s and bishop’s stories are so closely related that it is difficult to tell which St. Valentine the holiday is named after. The church used the day of St Valentine’s martyrdom to Christianize the old Roman Lupercalia, an ancient fertility festival held around the middle of February. On the eve of Lupercalia, young unmarried men draw names of young women in a lottery and they were paired off for the next year. Ancient Romans believed that birds also chose their mates on February 14th. In 496 A.D., Pope Gelasius assigned February 14 to honor St. Valentine in order to disassociate this date with the Lupercalia festival. Unlike the ancient tradition, the Christian church replaced girls’ names by saints’ names and the participant was supposed to model his life after the saint whose name he drew from the box. However, in the Middle Ages the girls’ names got back again and young people started to draw names from a bowl to see who their valentines would be. Eventually St. Valentine’s Day became associated with romance, exchanging love notes, presentation of flowers and confections. Valentine cards were always a very popular part of  the Valentines Day celebrations. Traditionally, lovers exchanged handwritten valentines. The oldest surviving valentine was written by Charles, the Duke of Orleans, who sent it on Valentines Day to his wife after being captured in 1415. In the seventeenth century a new sophisticated variant of Valentine cards True Love Knots â€" became extremely popular in the U.S. and England. These Valentines were drawn as a knot and were readable from any line and still made sense. Commercial cards appeared in the mid-19th century, when the interest in Valentines Day started to grow rapidly. Early versions of these cards were fashioned of satin and lace and ornamented with flowers, ribbons, and images of cupids or birds. Today, about 1 billion Valentine cards are exchanged in the U.S. each year. Interestingly, the most Valentines Day cards are given to teachers. Statistically,  teachers receive more Valentine cards than kids, mothers, wives, sweethearts and pets. The fact, that students use this romantic holiday as an opportunity to express their gratitude to those people who are planting the seeds of knowledge into their young minds, gives grounds for considering Saint Valentines Day also a day of a Love for Learning. So, don’t forget to send a greeting card to your favorite tutor. Happy Valentines Day!

College Algebra Help

College Algebra HelpIf you are looking for more information about the HAWKES Learning System, then this article is just for you. There are many books on teaching Algebra and other subjects, but most of them are usually focused on the human mind as a whole. In fact, it can be said that the most popular approach to teaching Algebra is purely psychological.However, in the process of teaching mathematics, it is often seen that some mathematical concepts can not be understood simply by hearing what has been said before. You have to go through this stage of 'learning' in order to understand things better.The initial step in understanding what has been said about Algebra is definitely a mixture of emotion and logical thinking. After that, it may turn out that you understand very little, or even a lot, about the subject. This is the stage when some of the best Algebra help is available.If you are looking for Algebra help and you are struggling with your problem, then the best solution for yo u would be college algebra help. This Algebra training course is generally found online and is best for people who cannot attend an actual classroom. Not only does it save time, but it also enables students to get quality training on the subject that they have already chosen.Apart from helping to improve your knowledge and skills, college algebra help could help you as well. It is a fact that a lot of jobs in the field of Mathematics are specialized and require someone with a high level of understanding. It is the job of an expert to inform people about such a situation and to prepare people with a better understanding of the subject.As a Math teacher, it is your duty to prepare students for the future by providing them with all the necessary tools and resources. The best help would be college algebra help, because this type of Algebra training can help you find a better career and allow you to make a name for yourself in the field of Mathematics.Hawkes Learning System is probably t he best place to start, because it will guide you in the right direction. The Hawkes Learning System's site is well researched and packed with useful and important information.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Finding a Tutor in Atlanta

Finding a Tutor in AtlantaAtlanta is the center of Mandarin Chinese community and one can find a great many resources available to you. Most people tend to choose a private tutor because they are confident they will get more from their lessons than a private tutor. This is understandable, but this only serves to add to the problem. You should first determine the type of language learning experience you want to have before selecting a tutor for your learning.As a tutor in Atlanta, I find that most people are concerned about where the tutors are located. In addition, they are concerned with price. Before taking a long trip to learn Mandarin Chinese, however, you should consider these two factors:First, what do you want from the tutoring experience? If you are a businessperson and need a tutor for a specific project or business meeting, you may want a tutor who will provide you with professional assistance. However, if you want to learn to speak Mandarin Chinese by yourself or work on b usiness correspondence, it would be better to seek a tutor who will assist you with personal help.The second factor is whether you are more interested in conversational Mandarin Chinese or business Mandarin Chinese. You may be able to find a good Mandarin Chinese tutor who will offer assistance in both areas.If you do not wish to find a tutor in Atlanta, you can choose from a variety of online resources that provide you with teaching material, sample lessons, and practice tests. The drawback to online tutoring is that the teacher may be in another country and not be available for communication with you.There are many activities that can be enjoyed in Atlanta that will enhance your learning experience. For example, you can join the Re-Mentors program, which is sponsored by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). You will also enjoy a range of cultural experiences such as exhibitions, tours, festivals, and dinners.Be aware, however, that some tutors can be e xpensive. When looking for a tutor, be sure to look for the best quality resources and lessons, rather than cheap, generic materials. After all, you will want to feel confident that you are using the best materials and would like to know that the teacher is competent in the subject. Once you have found a tutor, you will then need to meet with the tutor and discuss your goals and expectations.

Learn to Sing in a Choir

Learn to Sing in a Choir  Learning to Sing in a Choir makes Vocal Training Fun Chapters What Are the Advantages of Singing in a Choir? Learn to Sing Harmonies in a Choir Find Your Vocal Range by Singing with a Choir Where Can You Find Choirs in Your Town?There are probably more singing groups in the UK than you’d imagine.Who’s starting them and how do you get involved with them in order to learn how to sing?When you think of singing groups, you probably imagine your typical church choir. This might put a lot of people off.However, singing groups are rarely like this and, if you've watched shows like The Voice, Britain's Got Talent, and The X Factor, you'll know that there are plenty of contemporary groups, too. While they traditionally sang a classical music repertoire, it’s becoming increasingly common for them to sing more contemporary and popular pieces.Choirs and vocal groups are also a great way for beginners to improve their singing voice without needing a vocal coach.So what is a choir and how will it help improve my voice and learn to sing?A choir is simply a group of singers who work under the direction of a teacher, conductor, or instructor.In this article, Superprof’s going to explain the benefits of working with a choir to improve your singing without resorting to singing teachers! TraceySinging Teacher 4.92 (13) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PortiaSinging Teacher 4.91 (11) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolaSinging Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JazzSinging Teacher 5.00 (6) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PerrineSinging Teacher 5.00 (3) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TiemSinging Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TomSinging Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MiriamSinging Teacher 5.00 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors What Are the Advantages of Singing in a Choir?When it comes to learning to sing and your vocal training, there are plenty of benefits to singing in a choir:Don't forget to work as a group. Learn from each other. (Source: Tama66)No basic level required: even if you don’t know anything about singing, have never read sheet music, never attended voice lessons, and haven’t a clue about music theory, don’t panic! You can still join a choir. There are a lot of choirs that have no requirements when it comes to joining them. While some may ask for an audition, that doesn’t mean that they’ll be scrupulously evaluating your voice. Even if you sing like a bag of cats, there’s a good chance that you’ll find a choir to take you. Your commitment will probably be more important to them than your singing ability.Working in a group: even if it’s just for fun, singing in a choir requires a lot of work and commitment. Some of them meet multiple times a week and you may even be expected to attend on weekends. If you join the ranks of a choir, you should know what you’re getting yourself into. You shouldn’t skip meetings, either. T his will only harm your progress and the group’s progress.Learning to sing in a group: even if singing lessons have their advantages, it’s not the same as learning to sing as part of a group. Listening to other singers can help you improve. Whether you copy their strengths or avoid making the same mistakes as them, you can learn a lot from other singers. Your fellow singers can give you singing tips on how to warm up, how to sing in tune, and how to breathe correctly.Meeting people: being part of a group, even a choir, is a great way to meet other people. While you’ll share the stress of getting on stage, you’ll support each other, work together as a group. A choir is as much a team as any other! This also means that you have to be a team player, though!Gaining self-confidence: at the start, you’ll probably not be comfortable with the idea of singing or other people hearing your voice. Here’s some advice... put yourself behind those who sing much better and more loudly t han you at the beginning. You’ll soon hear your voice improving! You’ll be doing solos soon enough and hitting all those high notes.Psychological and physiological benefits: Did you know that it can also come with the same physiological benefits as doing sport? You’re giving your vocal cords and your diaphragm a good workout, working on your posture, and controlling your breathing. At the highest level, singing is very physically demanding. Don't forget that your voice is your instrument and if you expect to have any singing success, you'll need to take care of it Learn to Sing Harmonies in a ChoirWho doesn’t just loves the harmonies of Simon and Garfunkel, the Beach Boys, or just some of the amazing groups making a name for themselves on YouTube?To get results like this, you’re going to have to delve a little deeper into the world of vocal harmonies. Again, these are singing techniques you can learn without the help of a singing teacher.  Harmonies are the simultaneous em ission of several different sounds. This means that you have at least a basic knowledge of music theory, chords, and a good ear.In a choir, harmony is king! That’s why singing in a choir is key to learning how to sing harmonies.  To put it simply, a harmony is several notes being produced with the same rhythm.Generally, there are three main notes: the root, the third, and the fifth. For example, a C major chord is made up of C (root), E (third), and G (fifth).For more upbeat choral music, why not join a gospel choir? (Source: Samueles)The main voice will sing the root while the other voices will sing the third and fifth. Of course, there are plenty of variations on this.While you could work on harmonising with your voice teacher, a choir is interesting since singing in harmony with others is one of the main vocal techniques you'll have to master. You’ll learn to sing a root note, a third, and a fifth. Soon you’ll learn how to harmonise with any given pitch and any given singer . However, this isn't the only technique you can learn in a choir, you'll have the opportunity to work on your vibrato and breath control, too.Useful, isn’t it?Find singing lessons London  or singing lessons Manchester. Find Your Vocal Range by Singing with a ChoirBeing a singer in a choir isn’t all fun and games! You’ll need to have a voice that’s powerful, solid, and flexible so that you can blend into the group. In this respect, they can be just as demanding as working with a voice teacher. This means you’ll need to adjust your voice to the overall sound. During your voice training with a choir, they'll teach you warm up exercises and singing exercises that are useful for most singers.However, you need to think about working on your voice outside of the group if you don’t tend to do vocal exercises specific to your vocals when you’re together.It’s not always easy to find your vocal range when you’re singing as part of a group. In fact, a choir singer can often b e expected to sing such a wide variety of songs that they never truly sing in their tessitura.Don't forget that you'll still need to work on your voice outside of your group. (Source: StockSnap)If your conductor doesn’t tell you what your range is, you might need to look to a private tutor to help you work out what kind of singer you are.It’s very unlikely that you’ll find your vocal range in a choir and even if you do, you’ll probably end up singing songs that aren’t suitable for your tessitura, vocal timbre, etc.  After all, in a choir, it’s the sum, not the parts, that make the music happen.In short:There are plenty of choirs that are singing contemporary songs and different genres. It won’t be too difficult to find a group that sings music that you enjoy.Don’t hesitate to look around online to find choirs looking for members!There are a lot of advantages to being a member of a choir. In addition to the physical and psychological benefits of singing, joining a cho ir allows you to enjoy a group dynamic, improve your singing, gain self-confidence, and meet new people.A choir member will also learn how to harmonise with other singers so that they can sing along with other singers in a large number of situations.The main problem with a choir is also that it’s a group. If a singer isn’t careful, they’ll lost their individuality and they’ll also just be a choir singer.If you’re looking at becoming a soloist, then you should probably have a look at some of the private tutors on Superprof. Where Can You Find Choirs in Your Town?In theory, there are choirs all over the country in both huge cities and tiny villages. In practice, finding choirs isn’t as easy as you might first think.Don't expect to join a famous choir as soon as you start singing. (Source: WikimediaImages)However, there are a few resources for finding choirs in the UK.British Choirs on the NetThis site is probably the first place to go for those looking for choirs. It’s s imple and clear.These choirs are sorted both alphabetically and geographically. As long as you know the name of where you live, you should be able to find one. The choirs are grouped by county and there are plenty for almost every county.When you find the choirs near you, you just have to click on them and it’ll take you to their website.One thing: Some choirs don’t have their exact geographical location in their name so you’ll have to click to find out more.  If you are a conductor with a choir, you should probably get in touch to add yours to the list.Not all vocal groups are religious. (Source: Joergelman)The BBCThe BBC has put together a list of resources for those wanting to start singing. There are resources for the performing arts, finding choirs, and useful links to get started with singing.The site also includes resources on breathing, warming up your voice, finding your voice, tips on how to sing, and vocal coaching resources. While the site is no longer being update d, it’s a good place to start.Making MusicThis site is here to help those doing music voluntarily. You can use it to find choirs by region. Use their search tool to find music groups around the country whether you’re a singer or an instrumentalist.  Best of all, you can search the groups by your vocal type or the type of singing you want to do.Whether you’re interested in choirs, gospel singing, barbershop, or contemporary music, you can search for it on “Making Music”.There are tonnes of different groups on this site and you’ll probably end up with more options than you know what to do with!You should also find out more on learning to sing for free  or check online singing lessons.

It Does Not Have To Be Boring

It Does Not Have To Be Boring Hollywood takes its cues from reality, but in this case, the opposite could be happening. With the rise in popularity of TV shows such as CSI, Numb3rs, and Bones, interest in forensic sciences has increased, especially among the teen age set. In this case TV influencing real life is a good thing, and some schools and programs have cropped up to cultivate these interests. Robotics Schools such as Montvue Elementary in Pomona, CA are offering robotics classes that combine many disciplines. Think about it, in real life problems dont present themselves in the form of please graph y = x^2 + 3x + 2, so why are students being trained that way? These robotics classes integrate math, physics, and engineering. Not only do they spark initial interest, they also help to maintain enthusiasm. So often you see a students passion for math fade after they are hit with hundreds upon hundreds of practice problems. Not so with these hands-on classes that show the applicability of equations and formulas. Read more about Montvues robotics program here. Encourage your school to participate in the FRC (FIRST Robotics Competition), originally founded by Dean Kamen, inventor of the Segway. Forensic Sciences What you dont see in all the TV shows is the nitty-gritty work that goes into solving a crime. Lab results and blood analyses arent always clean, and they sure arent fast. But that doesnt faze the students at New Rochelle High School in New York. In fact, demand for the schools forensic science class has skyrocketed. Combining biology, physics, chemistry, and math, this class is as real a science problem as it gets. Instead of solving chemical reactions or physics projectile problems in isolation, students are challenged to integrate knowledge across many fields. And the problem isnt some diagram in a textbook, instead its staring them right in the face in the form of a decomposing bird. Read more about New Rochelles forensic class here Read about the different careers the forensic science field offers here (text heavy but informative).

My Experience at Tufts University

My Experience at Tufts University Rachel earned her bachelors degree in psychology and communications from Tufts University. She specializes in SAT Writing and Language tutoring, English tutoring, and a number of other subjects. Below, she shares her experience at Tufts University: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Rachel: The Tufts campus is a cross between suburban and urban; however, its easily walkable. There are shuttles that are about a 15-minute walk from campus that will take you into the local towns. There are public buses that pick up near the campus as well. I always felt very safe on campus. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Rachel:Professors are generally available during scheduled office hours and by appointment. Teaching assistants are readily available as well, as they are often upperclassmen. Academic advisers are easily accessible and helpful to meet with as needed. How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Rachel:I only lived in a dorm my freshman year. It was a great learning experience for me. After freshman year, I lived in my sorority house and then off campus. The dorms are nice, and upperclassmen have apartment-style options to choose from on campus. There are two dining halls on campus for students. There are plenty of opportunities to be social at Tuftswhether its joining a club, joining a sports team, or participating in Greek life. I constantly had the opportunity to be social while on campus. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Rachel:International relations is a very popular major, as is pre-med. I was a psychology major and a communications and media studies minor. I found the psychology classes very interesting, so majoring in psychology seemed like a good fit. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Rachel:It was very easy to make friends as a freshman. Remember, everyone is new and wants to make friends, so dont be shy approaching other students! Greek life has a minor role on campus. That being said, I joined and it was a great way to make new friends. Some of my closest friends today are from my sorority. How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services? Rachel:The Career Center was not the strongest service at Tufts. I did not interview with companies who recruited on campus, but many companies did come to the school to seek out students. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Rachel:The library, Tisch, is fairly large and always had available study spots. There is also a campus center with a lot of seating. I frequently spent time there, particularly after my freshman year. Describe the surrounding town. Rachel:Medford and Somerville are quaint and suburban areas. Davis Square is very cute and is walkable from campus. It has a lot of restaurants that students frequent. After freshman year, I spent more time in downtown Boston. During my senior year, I interned in Boston the entire year. Its a great city for college students. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Rachel:The student body is approximately 5,000 undergrad students. Classes are mostly small, except for some introductory-level classes that may be 100 or so students. Those classes are often broken down into smaller units outside of the main lecture. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Rachel:My first semester freshman year I took a class called Reality TV that was taught by two seniors. It was an awesome small-class experience and a great way to get to know my peers and some upperclassmen, while learning engaging content. I was also able to ask the upperclassmen numerous questions as I was navigating freshman year. Check out Rachels tutoring profile.The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.